SJPS Levy Millage Rates for Tax Year 2024

St. James Parish Schools Levy Millage Rates for Tax Year 2024
Posted on 06/17/2024
St. James Parish Schools Levy Millage Rates for Tax Year 2024

The St. James Parish School System has decided not to roll forward with local millage rates for the 2024 tax year. St. James Parish properties were reassessed for the 2024 tax year, adjusting the maximum millage rate of a previous 44.83 to a new 44.78.

With the increase in the property value, the adjusted millage rates were reduced (with exception to the millages that were not subject to reappraisal). Due to the increased stability of finances and fund balance over the last few years, we felt it was in the best interest of the tax payers as well as the school system to not roll forward with millage rates.